The meetings

Women have been meeting at different places for many years in “MatriCircles” to reflect on our matriarchal outlook together, to advance our understanding and most of all to think about how to live according to these values.

Over time an appropriate format emerged which promotes experimentation with a new culture of interaction. For this reason MatriCircles include common rituals, dancing, singing and of course sharing pot luck meals. There is also space for listening to each other “with our hearts”, nurturing and having fun.

During all of this we focus on the following questions (among other things):

What can we learn from existing matriarchies?

What inspiration do we derive from researching matriarchies of ancient and prehistoric times?

How can we deepen our matriarchal consciousness and incorporate it into our every day lives?

How can we convey our knowledge and matriarchal values to others to transform our patriarchal society into a society focused on the maternal principle (the “symbolic order of mothers”) and the welfare of everyone, in which peacefulness and nurturing are core values?

The existing MatriCircles and similar gatherings in Germany, Austria and Switzerland grew out of the matriachal schools Hagia and Alma Mater. Each regional Circle is organized by a group of local women. Currently Circles are meeting regularly in Munich, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Stuttgart. Additional MatriCircles are offered through MatriaCon events Veranstaltung in April 2019. We offer an online-Plattform to network the individual Circles.  The platform allows MatriCircle guides can exchange documents and stay in contact in Forums. Access to this online platform requires registration over info[at]